MacBook Battery Replacement Singapore
You may start to feel frustrated of the unsightly look of your Macbook Pro bloated battery, or having to carry your Macbook Air adapter because it cannot hold a charge for more than an hour. But that shouldn`t be an excuse for you to give up your laptop yet — At least it is not the time to break your bank at the current economical crisis.
A Macbook Battery Replacement could save you tonnes of money and time if you choose the most appropriate method from this article.
What’s the best option to get your Macbook battery replaced?
Which is the best option to have a Macbook Repair in Singapore? do the job yourself, try out an Authorised Service Provider, or find a reliable repair shop with the equipment to perform the repair? Whether it’s the heart-stopping sound of a swelling battery sizzling on to a MacBook Pro, or Macbook Air is failing to boot up due to a faulty battery. Disasters happen, and you’re left wondering just how much the repair would cost? Continue Reading……